We're Turning 4!

by Super User
on 26 August 2018
Hits: 1630

We are turning FOUR and we'd love for you to celebrate our biggest day of the year with us.

Join us on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 for the best birthday party of the year so that we can say thank you with a day full of great deals, product sampling, giveaways, cake, and friendly faces!

Oh and did we mention cake?!? If you joined us for birthday celebrations in the past you would know we have amazing birthday cake. We are being spoilt again this year with another delicious creation from Cream Fork. And of course it will be gluten, dairy + refined sugar free, vegan and paleo.


9.00am - 11.00am Ulu Hye
9.00am - 11.00am Teapot Teas
9.00am - 10.30am Sprout & Kernel
10.30am - 12.00pm Meredith Dairy
10.30am - 12.30pm Bliss Fit Foods
11.00am - 1.00pm  The Cultured Gelato
12.00pm - 2.00pm That Chocolate
12.30pm - 2.30pm Passionate Skincare / Green Street Kitchen / Wild Brew Co /
Meluca Honey / Eden Health Foods
1.00pm - 3.00pm  Australian Harvest
2.00pm - 4.00pm Little Zebra Chocolate
2.30pm - 4.30pm Blue Dinosaur
3.00pm - 5.00pm Love & Bones Broth

We will also be sampling products on behalf of these brands on the day:

  • Babushka
  • Bio Beet
  • Brokenhead Company
  • Brookfarm
  • Chow Cacao
  • Every Mite
  • Handsome Devils
  • Heavenly Cacao
  • Hilbilby
  • Imbibe
  • Koja
  • Loving Earth
  • Mindful Foods
  • Raw 4 The People
  • Sprout Nutrition
  • Wild Crafted


We have 10 amazing gift packs (total value of over $4,250) that we cannot wait to give away! All purchases made by loyalty members on Saturday will qualify for an entry into the draw.

A HUGE thank you to our wonderful suppliers for making this possible:

180 Nutrition, Alter Eco, Applelachia, Babushka, Beanopini, Benneto, Best Of The Bone, Bio Beet, Blue Dinosaur, Blue Frog, Brookfarm, Brokenhead Company, Byron Chai, Charlie & The Carob Tree, Cheeki, Chocolat Stella, Clif Bar, Cultured Gelato, Doterra, Dr Bronner, East Bali, EcoLips Eden Health Foods, EveryMite, Evodia, Fermentanicals, Foleys Frothing Fermentations, Food To Nourish, Forbidden, Four Sigmatic, Free Spirit Group, Gelatin Australia, Ginger Necktar, Giovanni, Golden Grind, Good Fish, Grants, Handsome Devils, Heavenly Cacao, Hilbilby, Honest To Goodness, Hurraw!, Imbibe Living, Import Ants, Inika, Jack N Jill, Kester Black, King Soba, Kitz Living Foods, Knox & Aya, Koja, Little Zebra Chocolates, Loca Ko, Love & Bones Broth, Love Life Gluten Free, Loving Earth, Manitoba, Matcha Maiden, Meadow & Marrow, Melrose, Miller Food Co, Mindful Foods, Naked Byron, Natural Evolution, Noble Jerky, Noosa Basics, Nutrition That Fits, Nuzest, Olive Green Organics, Paleo Pure, Passionate Skincare, Peace Love & Vegetables, PlaqueAway, Pressed Purity, Pukka, Pure Life, Raw 4 The People, Rok Kombucha, Sprout Nutrition, Temole, The Beauty Chef, The cultured Ice Cream Company, The Ginger People, The Gluten Free Food Co, The Lupin Co, The Natural Family Co, The Pur Company, Uptons Naturals, Vego, We Test, Wild for Life, Wotnot.


Lucky dip is not just a game for kids, it's for adults too! ALL purchases made tomorrow get to draw a prize from our lucky dip! It could be a chocolate, tea, hemp seeds, or a granola?!?

We cannot wait to celebrate with you! 



Coco's Wealth Of Health